Sunday, November 29, 2009

Amazing..President Robin Hood makes a Thanksgiving address saying we should "share" obviously recognizing the charitable nature of U S citizens...

Yet, while in Europe and nearly every other country...after bowing and cowtowing to leaders of every second and third rate country..many of whom would be speaking Russian or Japaneese were it not for AMERICAN SACRIFICE AND BLOOD..he apologizes and demonizes the very people he is asking to "share" with others.

This after he and the other liberal extremists in Congress are busily legislating the out and out unconstitutional theft of wealth from EVERY working American who pays taxes.

I have a suggestion for you Mr. Hood:
Since you're ashamed of your country, and have demonstrated that your only goal in seeking the Presidency is the systematic socialization and gutting of the United States, while enriching yourself & the liberal whack jobs in your cabinet & Congress...YOU share with them.

In fact why not just move to the Socialist country of your choice?

In other words..go screw yourself.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Predictably alleged Senator Bayh voted for cloture to support Harry Reid, and against his constituents here in Indiana who oppose the so called health care bill. This is nothing new. Mr. Bayh has been kissing the backside of the Dem party, and President Robin Hood for well over a year.

Mr. Bayh had previously said he would consider siding with the GOP were a plan introduced which contained the government option - which is BS code for takeover of health care by the government. Fortunately, Mr. Bayh recieved an out when presented with poll results from an extremely left wing group which claimed his party would punish him if he opposed such a plan. So - he happily had an excuse to continue brown nosing his buddies in leadership and the White House.

Amazingly he has yet to explain his conflict of interest where health care is concerned. After taking more than a Million dollars in "contributions" from the health care industry, and with his Wife receiving millions each year working for companies who will benefit if Obamacare is passed, Mr Bayh lied to his constituents (better known as his employers) about his recess schedule..then hid for the month REFUSING to answer his EMPLOYERS.

He certainly isn't hiding from making sure he votes in favor of his own pockets to give away billions to his Wifes employers.'s time to remind the Bayh family what happens when they fail to work for us. Like his Father, it's time for Evan Bayh to be fired...I'm sure he will move out of state just like Daddy..perhaps he can move to Nevada first to console his fellow loser Harry Reid...then they can both move to Chicago to keep BO company in 2012.

Why not go ahead and join Rev. Wright's church early - and go "pray" with the "God Damn America" croud - Comrade Bayh.

Good riddence.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I hope our "representatives" on the left are watching election returns in VA & NJ today...a sign of their future as we "thank" them for ignoring their Constitutional responsibility to represent OUR will.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Change to Congressman Donnelly schedule. Martins Supermarket, Plymouth IN. @ 11:30 AM EST on 8/8/09.
Go give him your opinion.

Senator Evan Bayh is hiding from constituents

Senator Even Bayh is hiding from his constituents. I contacted his D C office asking for his schedule of events during the recess - they directed me to the Indianapolis office. The Indy office number is NOT being answered for the past several days - goes to voicemail.

I contacted his office today (8/7/09) and they are saying his schedule isn't "finalized" yet - they're sure he will spend a "good amount of time" in the district...and apologized for the Indy number being busy. I pointed out that the recess starts tonight - I told the assistant that I certainly hoped the Senator wasn't hiding from us - that he has alot of explaning to do regarding his refusal to disclose information on his positions to health care, and cap and tax.

The assistant said to "watch his website" that the schedule will be posted.

I guess a guy like this ... who's Wife is raking in literally millions of dollars from healthcare insurers who will benefit greatly from a government healthcare takeover - can't be bothered by us.

This man needs to be voted out.

Congressman Joe Donnelly Town Hall

Congressman Joe Donnelly will be at the Martins Supermarket in Plymouth, IN. starting at 10:00AM on Saturday, 8/8/09 for a "Congress on Your Corner" meeting with constituents.

Go hold Mr. Donnelly accountable and tell him to vote NO to government takeover of your healthcare - and NO to Cap and Tax.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Health Care by OIG - the Obama Insurance Group

Government Health Care "reform" - this is nothing but a huge sham. The Federal Government has no constitutional right or mandate to interfere with private companies. Does anybody truly believe the government can run a pay toilet...let alone health care?

The fact is that the out of all the government sponsored heath programs, the only one that works, and quite well, is the medicare prescription program, which has in fact done it's job better than forecasts and saved money. Literally every other program is nothing but a huge money pit.

Your legislators are kicking around the idea of taxing employer provided medical benefits as income. There are numerous "ideas" but they all mean one thing: they want to increase taxes on both employees and employers.

While they claim this tax would help "pay" for the coverage, in reality it's the primary tool the government will employ to force a "government sponsored" "option".
Here is how it would work:

The government would tax employees, or employers, or both, for the health care provided by employers as benefits. Regardless of how implemented, this tax increase combined with already high premiums would make these benefits unaffordable.

The result would be that either employers would discontinue coverage - or the employees would opt out - either way, the government's desired result would be achieved: private group plans which offer lower premiums would see their numbers dwindle, which would give the insurance companies the excuse to raise the premiums even higher. Eventually, these groups would shut down.

Due to losses in the billions on the now defunct group plans, insurers would significantly increase the premiums on individual plans while reducing coverages, which would result in premiums too high for individuals to afford, and discontinuation of coverage...or, in simple terms, killing the private insurance market.

Then the government would "offer" their option - which in reality won't be an option, rather the only coverage most people could afford.

Of course the government would claim this as "competition" that private insurers could not meet - all the while offering to take care of us all.

Please call your Congressmen and Senators, and tell them NO to any form of government health care.

There are many ways to make health care more affordable - but this is NOT one of them.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Cudos to Congressman King from New York for his coments regarding Michael Jackson.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Indiana legislature "honors" Michael Jackson during special session

As a resident of Indiana, I was outraged to discover that the Indiana General Assembly, during a special session called to handle the State budget, found time to prepare, vote on, and record a joint resolution "honoring" Michael Jackson. This was done by both houses, and by unanimous vote.

I contacted Nancy Dembowski, the Democratic State Representative for my district (IN 17) by email as follows:


I am having a real hard time understanding how we had the time during the special session to “celebrate” Michael Jackson? This pervert was a child molester – exactly how is this a valid use of taxpayer money? I would imagine that you were to ask every constituent in the district, you wouldn’t get a lot of support for spending any time on this, and quite probably not a lot of support for it if time were available.

Shame on all of you.

I would like to meet with you or speak by phone regarding issues which I feel need attention by the legislature before the next session begins. Please let me know when we might talk.



Nancy replied the following day as follows:
Michael Jackson had a tremendous impact on the city of Gary regardless of his personal issues. I am sure that leadership felt that since it was important to the legislators from that city, it could be done out of respect for them. It was done after the passge of the budget and the entire process did not take 5 minutes. I am sure the only taxpayer monies would have been the cost of the paper it was printed on.
I will be more than happy to speak with you in regard to your issues. I have a pretty full schedule (vacation and home repairs) for July. I will email you early in August to set up a time that is convenient for you. Nancy Dembowski
This is exactly what is wrong with our legislative bodies (all levels), and our judicial system.

State lawmakers have no business dealing with ANY issue other than emergent business during a special session. Such action is MISUSE of taxpayer money. They certainly don't have any business, representing the entire population of the State, taking an action to honor a pervert like this.

You will also note the way my comment about taxpayer money was completely blown off. It seems Nancy doesn't take into account the salaries of all representatives, staff, and support staff in the time needed to prepare this garbage - or the money it cost to run the entire building during this - including utilities. To them, it's just the cost of the paper...I guess the money tree grows the rest of the funds?

You will also note she refuses to address my statement that her district wouldn't have supported this at all. She's there to represent a district - guess our opinion doesn't matter.

I'm also sick of elected officials justifying this type of action by calling it "personal issues", and then saying they are acting out of respect for another group. This is NOT justification when you claim to represent the entire State of Indiana.

How about calling it like it is - Michael Jackson was no damned role model, and no hero. How about standing up for INNOCENT CHILDREN and refusing to cave to the PC police and not say anything because he was black (before trying to become white).

Inexcusable and pathetic.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Michael Jackson: Child Molester

Wow - what a disgusting past few days.

Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop" - dies at 50 most likely due to some kind of OD. For several days now every news outlet is celebrating his life as though he is some kind of role model or great celebrity.

The coverage over the past few days, in addition to making me want to puke on my shoes, makes me question (again) - how did our society get to a point that an individual such as this is held up as some kind of hero?

Michael Jackson was a sick, perverted individual with no excuse for his CHOICES regarding children. I have no problem with his skin lightening, plastic surgery, or anything else he chose to do in his personal life. But his choice and taste to molest children put him in the same category as certain Catholic Priests - in a position of control, in a private setting, he had his way.

I'm sick and tired of society and the media giving a "pass" to child molesters and sickos. Even Fox News has joined in this practice of late, and it's disgusting. Watching interviews with his friends, all of whom say we should not focus on his "shortcomings" or "mistakes"?

I beg to differ - child molesting is not a "shortcoming" or "mistake" - it's an unforgivable act conducted by and adult against a child. It's a decision, followed by an act. As both an adult and a parent, my solution to child molesters is an immediate death sentence, carried out by the parents and/or family of the victim, and in the manner of their choosing.

I'm sure if this sentence were carried out once or twice most child molesters would confine themselves to fantasy, videos, the web, or some other cheap form of "thrill" instead of actually going after a child.

But in our society it seems to be perfectly acceptable and expected that these "people" are allowed, even expected, to perform their sick perversions while the rest of us make excuses, find them "treatment" so they can be "rehabilitated" - or worse, have our "justice system" intervene and get them acquitted all together.

Michael Jackson was, at the very least, a seriously perverted individual. It would be one thing if his "taste" was for other adults - but it wasn't - it was for children. There is no way to ignore or excuse this behavior, and EVERYONE who does is as sick as this freak was.

Good Riddance you sick bastard.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Is $0.24 per hour REALLY stimulus?

Is $.24 per hour really stimulus

I find it interesting that anyone would call a $500.00 rebate a "tax cut". In fact, it is a one time rebate. Lets examine it.

A full time worker @ 40 hours per week, paid bi weekly at 26 pay periods per year - this "stimulus" equals a whopping $.24 per hour. WOW - that'll help pay for record Winter heating bills won't it?!

The real goal of the rebate is to provide a tax rebate check to those who don't pay taxes in the first place - it's redistribution of tax revenue, plain, simple and disgusting. And it can't be realized with a real tax cut (cutting rates).

Meanwhile, back on Capitol Hill - during "REIDOPELOSI 2009" - taxes remain opressive to both business, and individual workers. With consumer prices through the roof for essentials such as groceries, fuel, and insurance, without a real cut to free up OUR money, there simply isn't "extra" revenue to spend if you still find yourself employed.

The real "rush job" being put on this by liberals is simply to limit the amount of time taxpayers have to figure out just how pork laiden this turd really is - so it will already be done before we know how badly we were screwed.

I'm sick of hearing how any agency or government entity "supports small business". For sole proprietorships the "self employment" tax is 15.3% - and these sole P's comprise a large portion of "small business".

Here are some ideas:

1. No more money PERIOD - until and unless Congress passes law that forbids any funds from the 2nd half of TARP be released, pending (a) Full disclousre of the 1st half (b) LAWS are passed clearly, specifically defining the use of TARP funds - along with immediate recoupment provisions for those in violation.

2. Immediate income tax cuts - this is the MOST EFFECTIVE AND QUICKEST method of returning actual money to the taxpayers - WITHOUT ADMINISTRATIVE FEES, AND GOVERNMENT BS. If enacted and effective immediately, it would immediately hit paychecks for every employee. Cut all tax rates by at least 10%, all gates. This lowers taxes on everyone, and raises the tax threshold to a level which would stimulate growth immediately.

3. Immediate business tax cuts - like it or not, businesses employ people. The more capital a business has, the more funds are available for expansion and hiring. (a) completely suspend self employment tax for all sole P business entities under $20M in gross annual sales. (b) lower corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%.

4. Temporarily suspend capital gains tax, and lock in the permanent cap at 15%. This will immediately stimulate market growth on Wall Street.

Once this legislation is passed - which will require NO immediate financing on the part of the Government, we can TAKE OUR TIME, see what effect these inexpensive steps have, while we discuss a real stimulus package.

All stimulus spending bills should include stop or drop dead windows to insure no establishment of permanent increased spending and government controls over the people.