Thursday, July 9, 2009

Health Care by OIG - the Obama Insurance Group

Government Health Care "reform" - this is nothing but a huge sham. The Federal Government has no constitutional right or mandate to interfere with private companies. Does anybody truly believe the government can run a pay toilet...let alone health care?

The fact is that the out of all the government sponsored heath programs, the only one that works, and quite well, is the medicare prescription program, which has in fact done it's job better than forecasts and saved money. Literally every other program is nothing but a huge money pit.

Your legislators are kicking around the idea of taxing employer provided medical benefits as income. There are numerous "ideas" but they all mean one thing: they want to increase taxes on both employees and employers.

While they claim this tax would help "pay" for the coverage, in reality it's the primary tool the government will employ to force a "government sponsored" "option".
Here is how it would work:

The government would tax employees, or employers, or both, for the health care provided by employers as benefits. Regardless of how implemented, this tax increase combined with already high premiums would make these benefits unaffordable.

The result would be that either employers would discontinue coverage - or the employees would opt out - either way, the government's desired result would be achieved: private group plans which offer lower premiums would see their numbers dwindle, which would give the insurance companies the excuse to raise the premiums even higher. Eventually, these groups would shut down.

Due to losses in the billions on the now defunct group plans, insurers would significantly increase the premiums on individual plans while reducing coverages, which would result in premiums too high for individuals to afford, and discontinuation of coverage...or, in simple terms, killing the private insurance market.

Then the government would "offer" their option - which in reality won't be an option, rather the only coverage most people could afford.

Of course the government would claim this as "competition" that private insurers could not meet - all the while offering to take care of us all.

Please call your Congressmen and Senators, and tell them NO to any form of government health care.

There are many ways to make health care more affordable - but this is NOT one of them.

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