Sunday, November 29, 2009

Amazing..President Robin Hood makes a Thanksgiving address saying we should "share" obviously recognizing the charitable nature of U S citizens...

Yet, while in Europe and nearly every other country...after bowing and cowtowing to leaders of every second and third rate country..many of whom would be speaking Russian or Japaneese were it not for AMERICAN SACRIFICE AND BLOOD..he apologizes and demonizes the very people he is asking to "share" with others.

This after he and the other liberal extremists in Congress are busily legislating the out and out unconstitutional theft of wealth from EVERY working American who pays taxes.

I have a suggestion for you Mr. Hood:
Since you're ashamed of your country, and have demonstrated that your only goal in seeking the Presidency is the systematic socialization and gutting of the United States, while enriching yourself & the liberal whack jobs in your cabinet & Congress...YOU share with them.

In fact why not just move to the Socialist country of your choice?

In other words..go screw yourself.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Predictably alleged Senator Bayh voted for cloture to support Harry Reid, and against his constituents here in Indiana who oppose the so called health care bill. This is nothing new. Mr. Bayh has been kissing the backside of the Dem party, and President Robin Hood for well over a year.

Mr. Bayh had previously said he would consider siding with the GOP were a plan introduced which contained the government option - which is BS code for takeover of health care by the government. Fortunately, Mr. Bayh recieved an out when presented with poll results from an extremely left wing group which claimed his party would punish him if he opposed such a plan. So - he happily had an excuse to continue brown nosing his buddies in leadership and the White House.

Amazingly he has yet to explain his conflict of interest where health care is concerned. After taking more than a Million dollars in "contributions" from the health care industry, and with his Wife receiving millions each year working for companies who will benefit if Obamacare is passed, Mr Bayh lied to his constituents (better known as his employers) about his recess schedule..then hid for the month REFUSING to answer his EMPLOYERS.

He certainly isn't hiding from making sure he votes in favor of his own pockets to give away billions to his Wifes employers.'s time to remind the Bayh family what happens when they fail to work for us. Like his Father, it's time for Evan Bayh to be fired...I'm sure he will move out of state just like Daddy..perhaps he can move to Nevada first to console his fellow loser Harry Reid...then they can both move to Chicago to keep BO company in 2012.

Why not go ahead and join Rev. Wright's church early - and go "pray" with the "God Damn America" croud - Comrade Bayh.

Good riddence.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I hope our "representatives" on the left are watching election returns in VA & NJ today...a sign of their future as we "thank" them for ignoring their Constitutional responsibility to represent OUR will.